The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to take a ready-to-release project and give it advanced error handling capabilities in one minute.
3. Click the Protect Project... button on the left and browse for the project you wish to protect.
If you do not have a project ready, you can load the following test project:\Program Files\VB Watch 2\Samples\VB6\Protector Sample\Sample.vbp.
A copy of the project's source code is made in a created subdirectory. All operations will be performed on this copy, not on your original source.
Some template files are added to the projects.
A powerful error handler routine is added to each procedure.
The source code of the transformed projects is zipped in the original project directory, for archiving purposes.
The new project is loaded in a new VB session.
5. Additional notes
The transformed project now references the vbwFunctionsVB6.dll component which is required to ship with your application so as to benefit from advanced functions for emailing error reports.
If you do not wish to distribute an additional dll with your application, you may use the Standard Error Handler - No Redist plan, which is able to pinpoint errors to the line number, but is less powerful regarding emailing and reporting capabilities.
6. If you loaded the sample project, you may refer to the VB Watch Protector guided tour for more information on how to use the sample.